The schoolhouse is two stories with access to the roof. We have a lovely terrace with an entrance from our stairs and also from our living room :) Our kitchen is equipped with a gas oven, a sink with a filter for clean drinking water and a few staples we'll need when we begin to cook for ourselves. We are still living with the Kennells for now, but we're moving our stuff into the apartment tomorrow!!! I'm so excited :)
This is one of the windows to my classroom which is in a separate building to the right of the main school building. I'm teaching kindergarten this year! I will be teaching two of the boys, Gabriel and Asher, so I am looking forward to figuring out fun boy themes for the room.
So today I spent the day setting up the classroom or rather tearing down old decorations and organizing old paints. Hopefully I can get the room cleaned out by the end of this week and start to really put up new things next week. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but since I only have my math curriculum so far I've been focusing on getting the decor situated for the next year. I hope to make things fun for the boys by changing up decorations for different seasons and I am full of many ideas to make the school year fun for us.
I was really enjoying spending time today with Grace Hangen who is one of the missionary wives here who won't have children that I will be teaching. It was fun to have her company as I tore things down from the walls and collected things I think I will be using for decorations. This year will be fantastic getting to know the missionaries here! They are all so much fun to spend time with and I feel as if I have so much to learn from them.
I wanted to share this picture of the two Kennell girls, Michal and Maddie. They have been fun to spend this week with! This is a welcome poster for us teachers that they made for us :) It makes me so happy how they are excited for the beginning of school.. and it seems they are anxious for it to begin soon! I love that they are happy to learn new things and I figure it will be a blast this year teaching all of the children french.
I look forward to this year with all of the new things I will learn and I know it will stretch and grow me into more of the woman God created me to be. Please keep me in your prayers!
more pictures of the school house please :)