I wanted everyone to know that we arrived :) We drove from Accra to Kara today which meant a long day! We arrived in Ghana Monday excited and happy to see Nicole and April... and very tired. After arriving at the guesthouse we emailed our families to let them know we were safe and sound in Accra and then we caught a few Z's. Then we awoke to an early start at 5:30 am.
We arrived here in Kara around 5:30 pm I think.. I am really tired after not really sleeping for the past few days :) Hopefully I won't be too jet lagged tomorrow after a good nights sleep.
Please pray for us as we adjust to our new environment and go through some culture shock. Also pray that all the preparations go well with the school as things are being fixed and setup at the schoolhouse while we stay with the Kennells.
I love you all and I want to hear from you and know what you are all up to, so please keep me updated on your lives as well :)