Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Back in Ghana

All of us are back in Accra and ready to finish the journey and head back to the states, except the few who are continuing their trip on to Sudan to survey there. Our survey of the Dogon and the Gourma was very inspiring!

Well, computer time is limited as interns wait for the computers here. Can't wait to see all of you back in the states :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Bonding and Upcoming Survey

Happy Fourth of July! We actually had a party for Independence Day on the second, which was a lot of fun with face painting and games :)

Since I last updated, a lot has happened, including my bonding experience...

The experience of staying in a village and eating and sleeping with a family in Ewede was amazing. The compound I stayed at had two mothers with babies so it was constant work cooking and taking care of the children, along with one of the mothers Piyalo showing me around and teaching me how to do things there and new Kabiye words. I loved the experience and getting to know the family, I'm so glad I was able to visit them again with the Millers. When we went back we were able to visit a church they are starting up in a nearby village, it was neat to see the beginning stages of a church in rural Africa.

Also, my family gave me a Kabiye name when I went back to visit. Manuodowa which in Kabiye means my head went off, which translated means I am very blessed. They accompanied the naming by telling me of how when I return to America, they hope the blessing follows me and they hope I receive a good job and get a nice husband who will buy me a way to get back to visit :)

Thank you for your prayers! Keep praying as we will be going on survey for the next couple weeks! We will be going to Ougadougou in Burkina Faso tomorrow morning and traveling around to visit several people groups throughout the next weeks. I'm so excited, I truly am very blessed as my Kabiye name suggests :)