Friday, April 30, 2010

Farewell Togo

Today is my last day in Togo. I don't know if having been here before as an intern makes it more difficult to leave or if I am just reluctant to experience change again. I see now why commitments are such amazing things because although it takes a lot to say you commit yourself to a place or to a person, there is a reassurance that you know those people and places will remain with you throughout your commitment, and the person or place may change and grow, but so will you. I admire that and I don't see commitment as such a scary thing as much after spending my time here, rather it's a desirable assurance that there is continuity in life rather than constant change.

I know little about where I am going now and what I will be doing, but I do know my travel plans for the next few months. Perhaps that is why I have a secret longing to attach myself to someplace and just stay there... My travels seem never ending at this point and I'm ready to settle down someplace for a while, without looking forward to goodbyes.

I'll be returning to Searcy with Jacque for finals week and staying in Newport with my brother Paul and his wife Amber. So excited to see both of you :) and looking forward to seeing everyone in Searcy as well! After Arkansas, I'll be driving up to Jefferson City and staying with Jacque for a couple days and getting to see Natalie Metz who is driving up to see us! Then... I'll be in Independence with the Dandys!!! I'm so excited to meet my new baby nephew and see my niece and nephews :) It'll be so crazy to see how much they have grown during my time here-- although I am so thankful to have been able to skype with them here and see glimpses into their lives on occasion!

Next, I'll be flying to Portland to see Mom and Dad and Annie! I'll also be able to see my brother John's family, his wife Tanya and my niece and nephew!!! So so excited to get to hug them :) I also will be able to get together with various friends while I'm in town, although I'll be traveling around to make sure and see all the family in the area.

After all this traveling I'll be returning to Independence for the summer to teach my nieces and nephews to embroider cushions and play their instruments very ill ;) At the end of the summer I have been looking into moving to Nashville with Bethany, but all of that will be determined by us getting jobs and a place to live there-- So really we'll be heading where God leads, but we're both leaning in that direction :)

I'm looking forward to all my stateside travels and will continue to update this blog throughout these ventures.


  1. You will be missed Northwest buddy, maybe someday we will see you again.

  2. Hmm, who were you going to be seeing in Independence??? :) Can't wait to see you, only 10 days!

  3. Sarah, You have been a bright spot in our lives over the past few months. Togo will miss you, too! You have done a lot of growing up here I think :) Can't wait to hear how things progress and where God will lead you. I hope we get to see you quite a bit when we're back in the states!

    Love and prayers!

