I had a beautiful holiday season here... filled with activities with each of the families here :) We even had opportunity to visit the orphanage here and share an evening of activities with the kids.
After Christmas the three of us teachers went on safari with the Emersons!
Being the only teacher without fear of motion sickness I sat in the back seat with Caden (you can tell Caden has been on Safari four times already with his look of indifference..)
Bethany and Jacque shared the middle seat with Corban.. (come on he's only 2, and it was a long drive). Bethany and Jacque however.. they know how to show their excitement for safari!
We were all on the roof of the car as soon as possible to get the best views of the animals... Of course after enjoying our ride we had very dirty visages due to it being the dusty season!
We were able to see such a variety of animals at Penjari Safari Park :)
This included assortments of deer and antelope, monkeys, hippos, elephants...
and can you tell who is hiding in the last photo?
due to a failed attempt at upload.. I will post the pictures of the animals in another post.
The boys are adorable! Glad you had fun on safari. :)