Thursday, June 14, 2007

The internet connection isn't always too reliable with the power outages. On normal days we experience at least a couple during the evening hours usually around dinner. Today we fixed meals for the missionaries, so we split up into groups of three to cook for each of the four families. I cooked with Lacy and Alan, and helped fix up a spaghetti, salad and an apple crisp. It was good to spend time with them and it turned out pretty well. I've really enjoyed the experiences at the market. I still need to learn how to haggle.. It's been good language practice though when you are forced to communicate what you want when you are shopping in a completely different language.

I think my favorite experience here so far was when Brett Emerson took us girls out to a village to practice some Kabiye and we played some soccer with them. There was an older woman who came over to us while we were there, she couldn't speak french, but she was very willing to help us learn more Kabiye words. She seemed to really enjoy us being there and was continually giving me a big grin. When we were getting ready to go, she took my arms and started to say things in Kabiye I couldn't understand. From what I could understand I realized she was giving me a blessing. I felt as if I would cry, she was being so kind to me... a stranger who just drove into her village and tried to speak with her... I'm so amazed by the love I've seen in strangers here, and hope that they see God's love through the missionaries, the interns and most importantly through each other.

I really appreciate the entire team I'm here with. All the interns have been great, us girls living together have bonded and become a little family. We all have so much fun in the evenings when we're all together after each days experiences are over. Thank you for all your prayers as we've been learning and trying to keep healthy.

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